Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

Well, it's the first of a new month and a good time to get going again with the diet. There are no birthdays or anniversaries this month to make things difficult.

On Sunday, Jim and I threw caution to the wind. He had been working ridiculous hours along with a few other folks there. He was told to take me out to dinner on the company's tab, and make it good! We did. We went to Mitchell's and it was amazing. I didn't think about price and I didn't think about points or calories. It was a great 'last hurrah' before going full-tilt again during April.

I registered for the marathon early this morning so the training should also help with the weight loss. Here's hoping. It's warm out for a change. I can deal with puddles and wind as long as the snow is gone.....and it is.

Short sleeve weather is coming. I want to be the right size before I emerge from winter coats and heavy sweaters. There's no time like the present.

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