Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Operation Fat-no-More Day II

Yeah!!!! Two whole days with nary a slip-up. This is going to be fun! I know Ames mentioned on her blog that others might want to get in on this challenge. We're also trying to think of some fun little prize for the conquering hero or a consolation prize for the person who bags out first. Ames friend Shan has already volunteered to contribute a beautiful handmade item to the winner's cache! Hmmm, what can I contribute.?....I don't knit. Let's see....what am I good at? I can cook! If I was closer I'd come over and cook the winner's diet food for a week but that obviously isn't going to be real practical. I can also whip up 9 tax returns in 24 hours, but tax day has come and gone. I can bear children over three different decades, in two different millenia, but I'm not willing to part with any of them (most days) and, quite honestly, surrogacy is out of the question (hey, I'm 49 anyway...give me a break). I guess I'll have to keep thinking...

As far as a booby prize, I personally think this (please take a look)fits the bill....but since I am not independently wealthy, we could stick to my suggestion of having the loser wear a T-Shirt that says something like "_________ beat me in a weight loss competition because I was lazy and cheated on my diet". This shirt would be worn in public while doing morning walking or jogging for a day(or a week!). Just a thought.......but I'm sure we can get creative here. If you think you want to be a part of this let us know. Ames and I have already started but it would be great if more people jumped on the bandwagon! The sooner the better. The more the merrier. Maybe I should take a giant leap out of cliche world while I still can.

I know it's a little bit cumbersome to show you my entire food log every day, but it goes a long way towards preventing me from getting careless and not keeping record. I guess what I'm saying is....you're stuck with it.

Yesterday's Sustenance:

1 bar Weight Watchers Strawberry sherbet & ice cream bar
1 item egg
1 slice whole wheat bread
1 Tbsp Hellmann's Light Mayonnaise
1 tsp mustard
1 small jalapeno pepper(s)
15 items Tostitos Baked! Scoops tortilla chips
1/4 cup salsa
1 slice double fib. whole w. bread
1 6-inch SUBWAY® Restaurants Turkey Breast Sub
1 3/4 Tbsp SUBWAY® Restaurants Fat Free Honey Mustard Dressing
15 items Tostitos Baked! Scoops tortilla chips
1/2 cup salsa
1/3 bag light popcorn
1 large carrot(s)
1 wedge The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Original Flavor
fiber one yogurt
2 ry krisp


Ames said...

70 BUCKS!!???

For free I can send anyone a picture of my flabby belly. That would be serious motivation.

I like the shirt idea. I wonder where we could get something like that. Cafe press?

Also, I think Shan, you, me and my friend Holly are game.

Ames said...

I have been looking for a name for the competition.
Now I have it:

Operation Fat-No-More!


Karen said...

As far as the T-shirt, there is a local place here where I could get it done. My son has done a couple of custom T's before so I'll give my basic idea to him and let him add his creative genius (and sarcasm) to the project.

Hopefully none of us will have to wear it and the t-shirt will go unmade. We'll all get to goal and swap all our cool gifts and be thin in the process. I'm liking this!

By the way, where is Stace? Is she going to join us?

Ames said...

I e-mailed Stace this morning. She has been quiet.

Did you see my offerings?

Don't worry about what you are going to offer. Keep it simple. The T-shirt can be your donation, and let me know if I can help you with the cost.

I plan to post the final rules today. Stay tuned.