Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Trial Separation

Proverbs 26:11As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

I knew the relationship was becoming very dysfunctional but I didn't care. The emotional battering was overwhelming but still I stayed. Now I'm stronger. It's time to end this abusive relationship and take control. I'll need your support for this. This day I declare my independence from that stupid scale.

No more middle of the night weigh-ins. Last night I actually weighed myself three times between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am. I've weighed myself twice since I got up two hours ago. While I think it's a good thing to keep tabs on my weight, this has gotten way out of control. I'm already doing everything humanly possible to safely & gradually lose weight. I don't eat junk food. I rarely eat refined carbs. I love my veggies. I'm RUNNING(if you knew me you would know how drastic THAT little measure was!) and getting as much physical activity as possible. The rest is in the Lord's hands. I can do what He's given me the ability to do and the results have to be left with Him.

In order to turn my relationship with the scale back into a healthy one, I'm limiting our 'visits' to once a week on Wednesdays for my Weight Watcher weigh-in. While I'm in the process of building muscle with all this running, the scale always discourages me. I'm not losing weight right now but my body is changing and shifting in the ways that it should. Why do I want to get hung up on a number that really isn't going to do anything but set me back?

Here's the scoop on what I ate yesterday:

1 Tbsp peanut butter
pf ww mini bagel
15 items Tostitos Baked! Scoops tortilla chips
1/2 cup salsa
fiber one yogurt
sample fiber one caramel del cereal
1/3 cup Fantastic World Foods Jasmine Rice
1 serving stir fry 5/12/08
fiber one yogurt
pf ww mini bagel
yo plus yogurt
Total Food POINTS values used
Food POINTS Balance over (-) under (+)
20 min jogging
20 min walking, brisk
Total Activity POINTS values earned


Ames said...

I understand. I really do. At one time, I was getting pretty obsessive about the scale, too. Crazy. I found that when I was weighing once a week, I did not get nearly as discouraged. I think you need to tell Mr. Scale that you just want to be "friends".

Karen said...

Withdrawal. It's tough! I didn't give in though. I didn't touch the scale after my weigh-in yesterday and wouldn't even let myself look in its general direction this morning. It was a little easier to turn my back on Mr. Scale since I actually gained a pound this week. I keep telling myself it must be all muscle. Yeah, right.

Ames said...

I feel your pain. Hard, hard work for very little in return. Tomorrow is my weigh-in. I am a little scared. I keep telling myself that maybe I have loads of muscle now.

sparrow's song said...

you shared,
I'm RUNNING(if you knew me you would know how drastic THAT little measure was!) and getting as much physical activity as possible.

Getting busy! What a wonderful idea. My son is gone to buy a father's day gift which means he is not sleeping off a night shift and I can make some noise. I've done my morning walk with the dog and now I'm going off to vacuum the carpets after I post this to you.

Pausing to lift your concerns and goals in prayer.

A pleasure to meet you.