Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Changin' it Up!

I thought I'd try something a little bit different this week. Since I'm not losing any weight at this point, regardless of sticking to the plan like aphids on roses, I decided I needed to switch something up. I usually barely dip into my weekly points and sometimes even leave my activity points unused. I thought I might try eating as many of my weekly points as I could. I ate all but 3.5 this week. It's tough but somebody's got to do it! For the record, I didn't eat a lot of garbage in order to do this. Yeah, I snuck a bratwurst in there but other than that, I ate good stuff for the most part.

All of this resulted in..............................................................absolutely no loss. Surprise, surprise. Then again, I ate most of those extra points yesterday so I will weigh myself again tomorrow and see if it's made a difference. In the meantime, I've started reading a book called, From Belly Fat to Belly Flat. Has anyone heard of it? I've got to do a little internet research on the author to determine the 'quack level' of the author. From what I'm reading so far, the book makes sense but I'm a skeptic in all things health/diet related. It got decent reviews at Amazon but I haven't done much googling on him or his plan yet.

1 comment:

Ames said...

I think I have heard of that one. I will be awaiting your review of it.

I think it is wise to let go of what you are doing if it no longer works. Obviously, changing plans every week is not helpful. I am still searching for the combination of exercise and nutrition to make me less of a woman.