Sunday, November 2, 2008

Well, isn't THAT special?

After my blissful discovery yestermorn, I finished off the remaining pots & pans in the kitchen and loaded the last couple things into the dishwasher. I put in the detergent, pushed the button, and........................................nothing. Well, almost nothing. It buzzed. No water. No cleaning. Bummer.

Normally it would be just a matter of replacing the dw. However, we are still in the middle of replacing floors and cabinets and we are the ones doing the work. Since Jim is working 60-90 hr. weeks minimum these days, the kitchen is low on our priority list. We can't replace the DW without replacing the floor, the cabinets, and the countertop....our new floor will be slightly higher than the current floor. Anyway, I am not averse to washing the dishes the good old fashioned way. Good thing, huh?

You will be happy to know that I was a good little girl today. My big 'cheat' being tasting a sample at Sam's club. I actually had an all-vegetable/low-fat dinner AND I enjoyed it! Watch out weight-loss world!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mrs. Charged Up About Losing the Rest of the Weight

Yeah. Finally. November 1st. A new start. It's only 1:30 and candy withdrawal has hit big time. I am actually encouraged because I'm not giving in. I must be entering 'THE ZONE'!

This morning was an encouraging morning.....I went to bed with the house a total wreck, dishes in the sink & on the table, papers everywhere, etc. This morning I woke up to a clean kitchen, and a straightened family room. "Which of my sons has pleased me greatly?", I bellowed up the stairs. My soon-to-be 18-year-old was the clandestine cleaning crew. How awesome was that?

After waking up to that, I am sure that ANYTHING is possible today, including sticking to my former healthy habits. So watch out. I am back. I am unbeatable. I am Mrs. Charged Up about Losing the Rest of the Weight.